Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dec 16th - Liam & Logan were born (due date was Jan 12th, 2012)

The previous post gives you the idea of how I was feeling when I learned of Liam's condition but what really scared me was not knowing what to expect when he was born.  So far he was growing & besides the extra fluid in the sack he appeared to be doing very well.

35 wks pregnant - measuring at 52 weeks
The last few months of my pregnancy, I had been getting stress test done 2-3 times a week & on Dec 16th (36 weeks & 1 day pregnant) I had gone in for another stress test & to do some additional testing.  Other than that I felt great & was relieved I made it to 36 weeks (which is considered full term for twins).  After our appointment my husband & I did some shopping & went back to my office to gather some of my things.  While there I received the phone call that I was needed back to the hospital & was going to check into labor & delivery.  What?!?  I was having the babies???  Turns out I had preeclampsia & they needed me to deliver right away.  So many thoughts were racing through my head & all of a sudden I began to cry.  Unfortunately these were not the tears of Joy but the tears of fear.  Finally I would know if my Baby "A" would come home with us or not.  Would he be able to breathe on his own?  Would his heart know how to beat?  So many questions.
Right before C-Section
Luckily from that point everything went very quickly & at 8:25 pm @ the University of Utah Hospital, I gave birth to my Beautiful Baby Boys!!  Liam & Logan Purser.  They got Liam out quickly gave me a quick glance at him & took him straight to the NICU.  Logan was then extracted from my tummy & again I was just given a quick glance at him & then they started to clean him up & then all of a sudden he was gone as well.  I knew that I would not be able to hold Liam, but where did Logan go?  Why were we left in this sterile room without any crying babies?  It wasn't until later I was told that Logan had stopped breathing & needed to be incubated & was currently sedated but doing much better.  What?!?  Both babies weren't healthy???
Liam - 4 lbs 16 inches long
Logan - 6 lbs 3 ozs 20 1/2 inches long
I had my own "issues" to deal with so I was unable to see either of my babies until the next afternoon but my husband kept me updated with pictures & so I was able to love them from afar.  But the crazy part about all of this is that Liam was doing so well - He NEVER needed oxygen & all of his vitals were strong & best of all - Mike got to Hold him!!!  Unfortunately since Logan was sedated we were unable to hold him until the next day & so the experience we "expected" was the complete opposite!!  But both boys were Beautiful & things looked well!!

Mike holding Liam for the first time

Logan stayed in the NICU for 2 1/2 weeks due to troubles feeding & needing oxygen & Liam was able to come home after 3 weeks.  While he was in the NICU we learned how we would feed him with his special bottle (the Haberman) due to his cleft lip & palate.  We also learned how we would use the NG tube (feeding tube through nostril cavity) to help get him his full nourishment until he was strong enough to eat all of what he needed himself.  It was also discovered that he had diabetes insipidis & would need medication for that.  We were happy to find he did have his thyroid & pituitary gland although neither one of them were fully functioning so again more medication would be needed.  A MRI was also done & it was confirmed that he did have Semi-Lobar HPE vs's Lobar & that the back portion of his corpus callosum was not formed.  This just told us that he will have seizures & that development is unkown but one thing was sure - OUR BABY WAS COMING HOME!!  (with lots of extra help of course ;)

Liam being transported by life flight for MRI (had to move hospitals so they had to transport him)

We were definitely nervous but excited to get to be together as a family
(first family photo)

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